berat,hat,or beret knit in just one day
Pattern for barat
Cast on 53 stiches on a 6.5mm needle (us 10.5) work in in garder stich for eight rows
change to 8mm (us 11) begin
Row 1:(RS) k1, (sl1, K3) k3 to the end total of12times
Row2:(wrong side) k3,(p1,k3) until the last stich 12 times
Row 3: k1, (sl1, k2. M1 k1) 12x until the last four three stiches knit 2 m1 k1
Row 4:k4(p1,k4) until the last two stiches slip one knit last stich.
Rows 5: k1, (sl1, k4) until the last four knit
Rows: 6 same as row 4
Rows 7&8 same as five and six
Row 9: k1,(sl1,k3, m1,k1) until the last four stiches k3, m1. K1, done
Rows 10 thru 13 same as rows 5 through 8 so you should have five stiches in between the slipped ones okJ Row 14: k1 (s1, k4, m1, k1 ) until last five stiches knit 4, m1 k1 done
Rows :15 thru 18 follow pattern
Row :18 begin dec row k1 (s1, knit 3 Knit the next two stiches together through the back look otherwise known as tlb, then knit the next stich) until the last six stiches knit 3 k2tog tlb, knit 1
Row 19 knit k4( Purl1, k4 )until last two p1, K1
Rows 20 to 21 same as before follow the pattern you should have five in between each slipped stich
Row 22: K1 ( sl1, k2 K2 tog, tbl k1) until last five then k2, k2tog tbl, k1 and done
Row 23: k4 ( p1, k4, p1) until the last two p1 k1,
Row 24 to 25 follown the set pattern now you should have four in between
Row 26:K1 ( sl1, k1, k2tog, tbl, K1 ) until last four K1 K2tog tbl, k1
Row 27: k3:p1 and then same as row 23 just now you have three in each segment
Row 28& 29 same as 26th and 27
Row 30 K1 (sl1, k1, k2tog tbl, ) to last three k1 k2tog
Row 31 k1( p1, k2) until last two knit two
Row 32 K1( sl1, k2tog tbl,) all the the way to the end
Row33: k1 purl 1 until the end
row 34 PURL AGAIN PURL 2TOG untilnthe last stich
row 35: purl2 tog agin until the last stich you should have only 7 stiches left but if you have six or eight don't go back just cut a long thread off and pull it throuhg the open stiches and voila you have a berat