This time of year, my running shoes compete with my yarn projects (all one million of them). I have to say that the urge to throw out all of the cr...p (I mean priceless yarn0 during spring clean is a great. But alas, I hang on, I hang onto it for dear life like an old love letter or precious memento that takes up room. It is hard to merge my love of running /biking and..... knitting all together and it is equally hard to find people who share all of those interests. I don't feel that the yarn group mixes well with the running clubs.
My Friend Katherine (and owner to Brooklyn General) sits on a bike at one of my gyms I work at two three times a week. She knits her sweaters while working out. Ok before I go on I have to say she works it out on the elliptical. Let me tell you folks: if you are not breaking a sweat it almost isn't worth it going to the gym in the first place. I can't tell you how many times someone has asked me how to get rid of their "lovehandels". I'm like this is it, the three c's: Cardio, consistancy, and more cardio.
Not much gets done on my project list from this point on. My bike get dusted off, race forms get filled out, and brief vacations happen. Summer floats by with me feeling sorry for myself for having to work and stay in the city.
Dear followers,
You might be happy to know that I have almost finished most of McKenzie's quilt. yay! So now I've begun yet another cardigan. boooo! I finished first (in my age group)in the duatholon last week. yay! my house is a mess. boooooo! I lost a pound ( took forever stupid pound). Yay! ....... Spring break is here (I forgot ), kids are bored already .Boooooooo!!